Posts by Victoria Bull

Money dangers – Don’t be a money mule!

‘Fancy some easy money – with no strings attached?’ If you’re in the red and looking for[…]

Beating the mid-term money blues!

It’s now mid-way through the first term, and although we hope that you are having a fantastic[…]

Welcome to University 2018/19

Welcome to the University of Northampton! Whether you are a new or a returning student, we hope[…]

Beginning of term money FAQs for 2018/19

At the start of term, we receive many queries relating to student finance and funding. Here is[…]

Top 10 ways to manage your money

Money is often a concern for students. This Guardian article features second years discussing  how they spent[…]

Are you working this summer?

Getting a summer job is always a great idea – it will give structure to those long,[…]

New term – new budget

It’s the summer term and with this comes your final instalment of funding for this academic year.[…]

Tips for applying for FAF

If you’re struggling financially, you can apply for the Financial Assistance Fund to help you with your[…]

NSMW – What are the true costs of renting?

National Student Money Week starts today at the University of Northampton! This year, our campaign  ‘Where I[…]

Money dangers – beware of phishing!

It’s not long now till you get your next payment of student funding – which is something[…]