Setting up consent to share

What is consent to share?

Consent to share (CTS) allows Student Finance England (SFE) to talk about your account with someone you have given permission to. This can include setting up consent to share so that a member of staff from the university can access your account on your behalf. Your bank details will not be discussed.

Why would I need to set up consent to share?

You may wish to set up consent to share with SFE so that the university can help investigate any delays or issues you may be experiencing or general queries about your Student Finance.

How to set up consent to share

Step 1

Log into your student finance online portal.

Once you have logged in, click on the applications box titled Undergraduate student finance applications.

Screenshot of Student Finance England account page highlighting that you must click on the box on the screen titled: Undergraduate Student Finance Applications

Step 2

Click on your Current year undergraduate application for student finance.

In the example shown, the current year application is 2024/25 and the application is for BSc Pharmacology.

Screenshot of Student Finance England account page showing the current year undergraduate applications and an arrow going to select the 2024 year application that the student has made in this example to study BSc Pharmacology at the University of Northampton.

Step 3

On the application home page, go to the right hand side menu titled View or manage your student finance. Click on the last option titled Give permission for someone to contact us on your behalf.

If you are viewing on a mobile, this menu will be towards the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of a student's current year Student Finance application. The screen shot is highlighting where to find the Give Permission for someone to contact us on your behalf under the View or manage your  student finance menu.

Step 4

Click on Choose a person or organisation to share your student finance information with.

Any consent to share that you have set up, will show in the section below titled Who you’re sharing your information with.

Screenshot of Student Finance consent to share process screen. This shows an arrow selecting the choose a person or organisation option.

Step 5

Read through the What information will be shared? screen and click continue at the bottom of the screen.

Screenshot of the What information will be shared? screen when setting up consent to share with student finance.

Step 6

Select that you wish to share your information with an organisation and click Continue.

Screenshot of Student Finance consent to share process screen. This shows an arrow selecting an organisation to share your information with.

Step 7

Enter the University of Northampton in the Name box for who you wish to share your information with and click Continue.

Screenshot of Student Finance consent to share process screen. This shows the name of the university being entered into the name of the organisation you wish to share your information with. The name being entered is the University of Northampton

Step 8

On the What is their relationship to you? screen, enter Higher Education Provider and click Continue.

Screenshot of Student Finance consent to share process screen. This shows the relationship being entered as higher education provider.

Step 9

Create a password which will be used to verify that the university has consent to share.

You will need to notify the university of this password you have created, therefore make sure that it is not inappropriate. Click Continue once you have set up your password.

Screenshot of Student Finance consent to share process screen. This shows a password being created so that it can be shared with the University so that permission can be granted.

Step 10

Enter a date for the consent to share to end.

This date is your decision. Typically most students will choose a stop date towards the end of the academic year, to allow continued access in case of any other issues. Once you have decided on a date, click Continue.

Step 11

Review the information and if you are happy, click Share my information.

Step 12

The confirmation screen will appear confirming you are now sharing your Student Finance information with the University of Northampton.

Click on Go back to your account.

Informing the university of your consent to share details

Send an email to the Financial Guidance Team at to inform them you have set up consent to share.

In your email, you will need to state

  • Your name
  • List item
  • List item
  • Your name
  • student ID number
  • a sentence stating you have set up consent to share with with the University of Northampton
  • your consent to share password
  • the date you have set the consent to share to expire on

If you are a new student waiting for a decision on your Student Finance application, we may also request your Student Finance Customer Reference Number (CRN). If we request this from you, due to data protection, we will ask you to send this in a separate email to the one above containing your password.

If you are unable to access your online account, You can also set up consent to share by calling Student Finance England on 0300 100 06 07 and providing the details above.