Whether you are starting university for the first time or continuing on your course this Autumn, there[…]
Managing your money can be difficult, however there are dozens of apps available to help simplify this[…]
It’s very easy to fall into bad habits. You may have the best of intentions, but if[…]
Starting new habits doesn’t mean having to completely change your life. Although making adjustments to your usual[…]
Happy New Year! We hope you’ve had a good Christmas break, and are looking forward to an[…]
Welcome to the University of Northampton! Whether you are a new or a returning student, we hope[…]
Money is often a concern for students. This Guardian article features second years discussing how they spent[…]
It’s the summer term and with this comes your final instalment of funding for this academic year.[…]
If you’re struggling financially, you can apply for the Financial Assistance Fund to help you with your[…]
National Student Money Week starts today at the University of Northampton! This year, our campaign ‘Where I[…]
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