Student sat in the entrance to the Engine Shed drinking a coffee.

Worried about money over the summer? The summer fund may be able to help!

The past academic year has been difficult for many of us. The Covid-19 pandemic and the implications from it have had a significant impact. If you’re worried about your finances during the summer (10 July to 18 September 2021), you might be eligible for help from the Summer Fund (Eligibility criteria apply).

Don’t wait until you have run out of money, the deadline is Friday 9 July 2021, so apply now!  

Funds are limited and there is no guarantee that you will receive an award, but you won’t know unless you apply.

To be eligible to apply for the Summer Fund, you must:

  • Be a UK (‘Home’) student*,
  • Be enrolled on a University of Northampton course (paying your tuition fees to the University of Northampton)
  • Have taken your full entitlement of statutory funding in 2020/21 from Student Finance England (or your regional funding authority) and/or NHS or the Learning Support Fund,  
  • And be continuing on your course in 2021/22!

(Other eligibility criteria may apply).

*EU Tuition Fee only students please see EU Summer Fund below.

We especially encourage applications from the following groups of students:

  • Lone parents,
  • Those who are care leavers or estranged,
  • Those who have ill health/disabilities,
  • Those with caring responsibilities,
  • Those enrolled on courses which run throughout the full year (i.e. health courses, intensive courses, etc)

However, you do not need to meet any of the categories above to apply.

Please complete the application form(including all relevant sections) and send it to us at with your supporting evidence (PDF copies only) before the deadline.

I applied for the Financial Assistance Fund earlier this year, can I apply for the Summer Fund?

If you have already applied to the Financial Assistance Fund in 2020/21 and are due to continue on your course in 2021/22, we will send you a shorter Summer Fund form to complete.

If you have already applied to the Fund and are enrolled on a long course such as BSc Nursing, BSc Paramedic Science, etc, you will not usually need to complete a new Summer Fund application as you will usually have already been assessed over a 52 week period.

For further clarification, please contact the Financial Guidance team.

I am a final year student, can I apply?

Unfortunately, final year students are usually ineligible to apply to the Summer Fund, unless you are extending your course or repeating some of your study in the 2021/22 academic year. To apply to the Summer Fund, please complete the application form and provide evidence that you are continuing your studies.

Help us to help you.

Gathering together evidence may take time, but you should have all the information required to hand, please see our FAF – get it right first time information sheet for further guidance.  Please be aware that the team can only accept supporting evidence in a PDF format, and assessment of your application will be delayed if we need to request further information.

Please note: The Fund is limited and awards will be allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis. Receiving an award from the fund is not guaranteed.

Don’t delay, apply today!

For further information about the Financial Assistance Fund Summer Fund, visit the Financial Assistance Fund section of the Student Hub.

What about students from the European Union?

If you’re from the EU (and have applied for a Tuition fee loan from Student Finance Services or a Postgraduate loan from Student Finance England), you may be eligible to apply for the EU Summer Hardship Fund (eligibility criteria apply).  For further information about the EU Hardship Summer Fund, click here.

Other funding support is still available!

Additional support may also be available to students applying for a diagnostic test and/or paying a contribution towards DSA-recommended equipment, from a care background, foyer or estranged students, or responsible for the care of a relative due to disability or illness (eligibility criteria applies).  

The final deadline for applications and supporting evidence is 9 July 2021, subject to funds remaining available.

Reapply now for your funding for 2021/22.

If you haven’t already done so, reapply now for your student funding ready for 2021/22. The SFE deadline for continuing student applications is 25 June 2021; reapply by this date to ensure you have your money paid on time for the start of the 2021/22 academic year.

Get in touch.

If you have any queries about applying to our Funds, please get in touch by emailing

For general student money related queries, please email